
About The Burial Grounds

Cromer Town Council is responsible for the maintenance of the two cemeteries on the Holt Road including the upkeep of all grassed areas, walls, paths & buildings. The closed cemetery (near Argos) is being maintained as a wildlife garden under the guidance of The Norfolk Wildlife Trust.

It is the responsibility of the next of kin to ensure that memorials are kept in good order and that mowers and machinery are not obstructed by incorrectly positioned tributes and containers. With this in mind, the Council has agreed regulations to keep the burial grounds in a clean and well-ordered condition – the best mark of respect.

Rules & Regulations

The following is particularly important: The decoration of graves and the surrounding area with soft toys, musical ornaments and unauthorised boundary markers may serve to commemorate loved ones in an individualistic way which brings comfort to the family concerned but can appear garish and out of place for others, detracting from the intended ambience of the burial ground. With this in mind the Council has made a number of rules relating to the size, type and position of memorials and the placement of wreaths and flowers.


No memorials may be erected without the written permission of the council and payment of the requisite fee. All memorials must conform to the Council’s regulations as detailed in the full Rules & Regulations. Raised grave surrounds are not permitted and flat stones and cremation tablets must be placed level with the ground. Unapproved materials will be removed without notice.

Tributes on Graves

To assist with the maintenance of the cemetery, we ask that all visitors place flowers in pots and floral tributes on the headstone base. The planting of shrubs, trees and flowers in the grave is NOT permitted. The Council reserves the right to remove such planting without notice or payment of compensation. To assist with the maintenance of the cemetery we ask that all tributes are restricted to the base of the memorial. In the interests of Health and Safety, glass or other breakable materials are NOT permitted. In order to retain a natural and peaceful environment, solar lights and wind-chimes are not permitted. Please note that any tribute or decoration deemed to be unsuitable will be removed and taken to the Town Council Office for safe keeping.

Floral Tributes

As a general rule, floral tributes are not removed from graves until they become unsightly. This delay takes place to allow families to remove tribute cards or wreath bases, which may be recycled. If you wish to remove them yourself please use the waste bins provided. Christmas wreaths will be removed at the end of February or earlier if they become unsightly.

Please note that any floral tributes should be placed in a vase set into the tablet. Vases and other containers and ornaments should not be placed on the tablet.


Should any settlement of soil take place on the grave and this is overlooked by our staff please contact us so that re-instatement work can be scheduled into our work programme.

Wooden Crosses

Small temporary wooden crosses may be erected for a short period after internment either to identify a new grave or until a permanent memorial is erected. Such crosses must not be left on the grave for more than one year.

Exclusive Rights Of Burial

Exclusive rights of burial may be purchased by the next of kin for a maximum period of 99 years in accordance with the Council’s scale of charges. This entitles the purchaser to determine who else shall be interred in the grave. Exclusive rights may also be purchased by persons wishing to reserve a grave next to a loved one or in a specific area of the cemetery. It should however be noted that the grant of such rights does not confer on the owner any rights of title to the land, the grave itself remaining at all times the property of the Council.

Cemetery Safety

Under strict new guidelines from the Health & Safety Executive, all memorial stones will be tested for stability on a regular basis. Where ever possible, next of kin will be notified of any repairs necessary. Where these are not carried out, the Council reserves the right to lay the memorial stone flat to the ground.


Dogs must be kept on a lead and under control at all times. Please clear up after your dog. The cemetery grounds must not be used as a dog exercise area.