
About Us

Where does the money for the Town Council come from?

The majority of the Town Council’s income comes from the precept – the money it asks the District Council to raise on its behalf as part of the Council Tax.

Town Council Meetings

Cromer Town Council meets every 6 weeks on a Monday.
Meetings are on a Monday evening and start at 7pm. The dates and agendas of meetings are also put on public notice boards. Parishioners are welcome to attend all meetings and have an opportunity during Public Participation to ask questions about any matters concerning the Parish.

Town Council meetings have agendas which follow a similar format which includes:

  • Adopting the minutes of the Committee meetings
  • Receiving questions from the public
  • Questions to NNDC & County Council members
  • Mayor’s Report
  • The Annual Town Meeting is usually held in April. The meeting is opened by the Mayor who makes his or her Annual Report. Topical presentations are received from guest speakers and the Mayor presents the grant awards and Cromer Honours Awards. During the meeting, the public are welcome to put forward any questions to members.

Cromer Town Council comprises 16 elected members representing 2 electoral wards (Cromer Town and Suffield Park).